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Mandy Sacks Harnoy has such an inspirational Pickleball story.  After being down in the dumps due to health issues and the death of her father, Mandy reluctantly agreed to try the sport when a friend asked.  The result of going to the courts that day changed her life so much that she now inspires and motivates others to improve their health.

In this episode we discuss:

  • Why Pickleball lifted up Mandy after she had felt down in the dumps for awhile
  • How she knew the sport was going to change her life and why playing the game did so much for her
  • How the desire to achieve a Pickleball goal helped Mandy to lose 100 pounds
  • The foods she refuses to eat and what it was like to go cold turkey when giving them up
  • The terrible pain Mandy was in after the first time she played and why she was so motivated to go back the next day
  • How people reacted to her Facebook post on losing weight

Mentioned in the Show

Mandy’s Facebook page

In Pickleball Lifestyle Magazine

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