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It must be really hard when you have the ability to play professional Pickleball, but you do not have the time to dedicate to it.  Yet Ille Van Engelen has immersed himself in the sport in many other ways while playing a handful of pro events each year.  In this episode, we also talk about Pickleballs and how to choose the right one for your game.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Why Ille decided not to play professional tennis
  • How Ille and his doubles partner Tim picked up Pickleball so quickly
  • What Ille and professional Pickleball player Zane Navratil are working on together
  • Which Pickleball ball is best to use when you are a beginning player
  • What are the plans for Top Tier Pickleball
  • Why Ille will not become a full-time professional Pickleball player
  • What Ille started in the Atlanta, Georgia area

Mentioned in the Show

Pickleball Mafia Youtube Page

Southeast Pickleball League

Diadem Pickleball

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